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We want to provide a URL out of convenience for our user but map it directly to another one we are already using. Use a redirect:

# config/routes.rb
TestApp::Application.routes.draw do
  get 'courses/:course_name' => redirect('/courses/%{course_name}/lessons'), :as => "course"
Clicking "Copy Code" button will copy the code into the clipboard - memory. Please paste(Ctrl+V) it in your destination. The code will get pasted. Happy coding from Wikitechy - ruby on rails tutorial - rails guides - ruby rails - rubyonrails - learn ruby on rails - team
  • Well, that got interesting fast. The basic principle here is to just use the #redirect method to send one route to another route. If your route is quite simple, it's a really straightforward method. But if you want to also send the original parameters, you need to do a bit of gymnastics by capturing the parameter inside %{here}.
  • Note:The single quotes around everything.
  • In the example above, we've also renamed the route for convenience by using an alias with the :as parameter. This lets us use that name in methods like the #_path helpers. Again, test out our $ rake routes with questions.

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